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2018 Door Knocking & Resident Survey Results

On Saturday December 8th, 2018, Town Commissioners and Staff divided up into three teams to go door to door surveying all Town residents on their municipal
Image may contain: one or more people and people standingservices. In cases where no one answered the door, the team left a door hanger with a link to the Town website where they could take the survey online instead. This effort proved to be a success, providing Town Commissioners and Staff with valuable insight of resident’s concern, as well as what they thought the Town government was doing correctly. 

Residents were satisfied with Town services, with the majority, 67% of residents polled, providing the administration with an A grade. However, there were several issues brought up by residents, so this document lays out a plan on what steps the Town can take to mitigate these concerns

To read the full overview Click Here